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The Healers Series: The Kongo Princess

Ok ok ok… I know it took me longer than we expected but let’s kick this thing off the right way!! Just as a refresher, I will be cutting...

It's Time to Change the Game

It’s been far too long!!! I know I've been off the scene for a while. I had to take some time out for ME. Had to fill myself so that my...

Mastering Life

My journey has thrived to the point where I decided it was time to start teaching others how to heal their own loved ones. That is why...

Dearly Beloved..

"Dearly Beloved, We are gathered here today to get through this thing called life” -The Artist Formally Known As Prince In order to do so...

To Infinity & Beyond!!

2019 what a year! Sometimes when you’re walking in your life purpose it seems like you’re just out here winging it. Not really knowing...

Ancient Essentials

The holidays are vastly approaching. No matter what your plans may be, I am almost certain you will be dealing with more people than...

Fall Into Alignment

Mercury retrograde has not been messing around chillleee. If you haven’t been affected then you got lucky. The majority of us have been...

Hello Autumn

Autumn has officially arrived!!!! We have a new season and a new moon in the same week. Not to mention Saturn went direct last week...

Sacred Sacral Energy

The #sacralchakra is one of the foundations of energetic alignment. When was the last time you saw a solid house built on a shaky...

Wish Wish

One thing I don’t mind doing is cutting ties & returning the energy to exactly where it came from. It’s empowering & necessary....

We Did It!!!

Wow! Yall we really did it. We had a whole grand opening for Soul Marmalade at The Nest. I say “we” because none of this would be...

Grand Opening

It only seems fitting for a Monday to talk about doors opening. The road to healing myself has guided me to being in alignment with my...


Stamina… not in the sheets… not in the gym… on your spiritual journey. The wheel of fortune spins nonstop. Sometimes you will be on top...

Flowers Anonymous

No lie, my ancestors sent me flowers for mother's day. My king sent me flowers (left) , but when his delivery came there were 2 bouquets....

New Moon ... Who This?

Sometimes you must allow yourself to be completely consumed by the darkness to rekindle your flame. The Creator had a master plan when...

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